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Tag: life lessons


Have you ever expected something or someone to exist a certain way – and it shows up but not at all like you thought?…yea, that feeling. But this time, it’s you.

You’re showing up different, you feel different, you act different, you connect different.

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How to say Happy Birthday Dad.

On that ride back, I was caught up in someone else’s definition of a beautiful life event. Almost distraught, about having not done something I “should” have done. The reality was, in that moment I had done exactly what I was intended to do. I was exactly where I needed to be. Sharing an unforgettable moment with my dad, one that warms my heart every single time it comes to mind. 

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How to be Open…

The sweet spot lies in getting comfortable with the initial feeling of scattered pieces, the feeling that everything is on the brink of falling apart. We must get comfortable with trusting ourselves enough to know that the unorganized will eventually sort itself out and we’ll land in a new equilibrium.

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